🫀 Do your favorite cardio for at least 15 min every day
👺 Feeling "fine" is a sign of surrender
🪂 Count down from 3 and then do it
👩⚖️ Replace choices with rules
🎡 The Wheel Of Life (Ancient Indian Belief)
📫 If you have the right invitation, it’s always the right time
🇯🇵 (森林浴) ”Shinrin” is “forest,” and Yoku is “bath.”
🙋 Instead of assuming answers, ask questions first
🥢 Put your chopsticks down when your stomach is 80% full - Japanese Saying
💬 We Suffer More In Imagination Than In Reality - Seneca
☝️ Cultivate 3 types of relationships to grow
💈 If you hang around the barbershop long enough, you're going to get a haircut