✋ Before treating yourself ...
☝️ A type of luxury good for which the demand increases as the price increases
🎰 We often feel we're owed luck for being unlucky
💬 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win - Ghandi
🧑🏫 You only really understand something if you can teach it to someone else
🙅♀️ Give people a second chance, but not a third
⭐️ A north star is like an invisible mentor, ready to guide you every step of the way
🗳 Zettelkasten (German: "slip box", plural Zettelkästen)
🙏 If You Want To Be Happy, Be Grateful
🔝 What are the three best things you did today, this week, this month or this year
📖 (5/5) The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy
📖 (4/5) The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy