Time Boxing

🥊 Divide your day into small boxes of time and assign a certain amount of these "boxes" or increments to a given task


  • Better manage your priorities by organising your schedule more realistically and forcing you to make decisions over what matters most.

  • Eliminate procrastination and increases focus as you only have limited time for your tasks.

  • Increases efficiency by grouping similar tasks in a time block. Context switching between dissimilar tasks reduces productivity

  • Gain a greater understanding of how long your tasks take to be completed. This will help with future scheduling and organisation.

How to get started

#1 List

Divide a piece of ruled paper into two columns. On the left column allocate every two lines to each hour or 5-minute block of the day (whichever you prefer).

#2 Estimate & Plan 

Estimate the amount of time each task is going to take to complete. Write these tasks on the left column with their respective time blocks.

#3 Consider the unexpected

Add buffer times or extra room around each time block to allow for adjustments or unexpected activities.